Been thinking about the shape and make up of the Mission Commnity, and whether we see ourselves firstly as discrete churches united by some stuff or as an essentially united church thats expressed in diverse ways across the town- which comes first: our unity or our uniqueness. Or to put it another way, am i more bothered that i'm getting my share of stuff, or that there's enough to make sure everyone is included?
We explored this a bit the other weekend using the image of 2 kinds of Pizzas- Pizza Hut to represent the image of a community that is defined as multiple small communities that together form something larger; and Domino's to represent the whole pizza image that is defined as a larger community containing diversity within the whole. We were trying to describe it by means of the different ingredients too- Tomato sauce is all over the whole pizza, as is cheese (and their flavour permeates throughout), but a slice either has or doesn't have a piece of mushroom on it...etc.
The outcome was that people felt that although the Domino's image represented harder work and possibly more sacrifice for the sake of others, it was also the community we aspired to become. Now we 'just' need to figure out how to do that...
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3 weeks ago