Friday, September 11, 2009

Film Club goes a bit alien...

Film Club are meeting this Sunday, we're going to see the highly rated District 9- action thriller with aliens, racial tensions etc... oh, and some great big explosions...

we're meeting up in Wetherspoons at 7.30, the film starts at 8.30 and then we'll have another drink and a chat about the film and the issues it raises afterwards.

Come along, invite a friend

Community Alpha Course

Dear all,

Simon and Marjorie May are planning to run an ALPHA course starting Thursday October 1st at 7.30pm at my house. The refreshments will be coffee (or tea!) and cake.
This is for the whole Mission community
If people would like to come then register with me (344321). People usually come with a friend rather by themselves so do encourage people to invite and bring.
I'd really appreciate it if this could be announced, included on notice sheets etc, for next 2/3 weeks.