Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mission Community Planning Meeting- 28th Nov 08

A really good meeting- lots of energy and discussion from everybody. Notes will be circulated during next week to people, any comments can be posted here.

On an aside, this is something I wanted to share with people last night but we were pushed for time. Its the text of Obama's 'perfecting the union' speech from March, and it captures really well the sense of challenge and perseverance that is needed to make something new work- go to the link below and read it for yourself.

Mission Community Calendar

In the new year we will try to put together a comprehensive calendar that includes details of what each church is currently doing. This will include services, prayer meetings, youth groups, regular outreach events, coffee mornings and other events that are open to visitors from across the mission community and beyond.
Meetings that are invite only, such as PCC's and subcommittees wouldn't be included in the calendar- we all know they happen.
Throughout the year this blog can be used to post updates by each church, which will then be added to the central community calendar by the administrator.
